Eating right is important to staying at a healthy weight and keeping an energy balance, the balance between the calories in what you eat and drink, and calories you burn when moving.



Ready to get strong and slim? Follow these healthy tips and fitness strategies to help you reach your goals in no time.


Your health should be your main priority in life, so don’t let it slip through the cracks

We all know what’s good for our health bet it nutrition or exercise or medication. However, the important questions are

  • Do we act accordingly? 
  • How often do we invest in our health? 
  • What is the nature of expertise to look out for to reach our health goals?

Nutrition program

Nutrition counseling is an essential component in improving dietary habits and food choices, in order to reverse the underlying symptoms and improve the nutritional status of the body. Our body is like a complex machine which needs constant fuel and maintenance. We have programs like hormonal management, diabetes management, pregnancy management, kidney management and many more…

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Yoga is an ancient practice which has its main focus on breathing, physical and mental flexibility and strength. We provide yoga for corporates, yoga for kids, yoga for pregnancy, yoga for recovery etc

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Workshops and Seminars

Educating and imparting the right knowledge to people on health and fitness is nothing less than a passion for me. We do that through interactive workshops and talks. We conduct sessions for different groups like preschools, schools, colleges, women, corporates, senior citizen clubs and such other interest groups. We believe in “Smarter the human, healthier the nation”

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We believe in a detailed elaborated and friendly consultation with our clients.

It helps us understand them well in terms of their eating style, exercise routine, pre-existing health issues, their lifestyle and their goals so that they are satisfied and empowered.

Our 1 month/2 month program includes the following:

  • Detailed health history evaluation
  • Recommendation on the necessary blood work or urine work  
  • Counselling and addressing the problems and queries
  • Regular follow-ups to assess the progress towards the goal
  • Modification of diet plans based on the progress
April 18, 2021 in Blog

Dietary Tips for Kids

Encouraging healthy eating can feel like a big task in a world that glorifies candy, chocolate and chips over foods that are healthy and will help your kids grow up…
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April 10, 2021 in Blog

Yoga Or Exercise?

We are all becoming increasingly aware of the importance of fitness. Gym memberships, runners groups and cycling groups are quite common. Yoga is additionally becoming popular but is often misunderstood…
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April 10, 2021 in Blog

Importance of a Balanced Diet

To maintain the overall health and weight of the body, in order to stay physically active and strong, it is essential to have a balanced diet which consists of all…
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Neha Shah

About Dietician

Neha Shah (Founder)

Neha Shah, who is nutritionist in Mumbai and the founder of Nutrihub Fitness addresses the pertinent questions related to your health by providing you with a suitable and custom made health advisory. 

At Nutrihub Fitness, our aim is to bridge the gap between knowing what’s good for your body and applying it in daily life by catering to each individual’s unique circumstance and requirement. Whether it is weight loss or weight management, managing a dietary condition, or developing a healthy relationship with food – our consultation approach is designed to meet your needs.

Nutrihub Fitness was established in the year 2013 by Neha Shah. To set standards for services as the best dietitian in Mumbai, we believe in and deliver a detailed, elaborated and friendly consultation to our clients.

A detailed consultation with our clients helps us understand them well in terms of their eating style, exercise routine, pre-existing health issues, their lifestyle and their goals. The health solutions provided thereby ensures that they are satisfied and empowered.

Our nutrition and yoga program is recommended for 1 month/2 month which includes the following

  • Detailed evaluation of your health history – This evaluation is conducted by our expert and experienced dietitian/nutritionist. This process helps us identify areas of your life and living that need modification. 
  • Recommendation on the necessary blood work or urine work – This is done to remain up to date with your body’s physiological and biochemical parameters and it also helps to form a baseline for future evaluation  
  • Counselling and addressing your health problems and health related queries – This ensures that the client is able to follow the health advisory in the best possible manner.   
  • Yoga consultation, training and workshop as and when needed – These programs compliment the diet and nutrition advise
  • Regular and timely follow-up appointments -This is done to assess the client’s progress towards their health goals
  • Modification of client’s diet plans based on their progress 

Nutrihub fitness is a one stop destination to take care of all your healthcare needs in a natural and holistic way. At Nutrihub fitness, we provide comprehensive and custom made health solutions using Nutrition and Yoga. The founder – Neha Shah is a consulting nutritionist in Mumbai and a Certified Yoga Trainer from The Yoga Institute. She has a Post graduate Diploma in Dietetics and therapeutic Nutrition. As a health educator, she has conducted various health awareness and patient education workshops in multiple organisations including Schools, Multi-National Corporations, Hospitals etc. She is also an active health writer and regularly publishes useful health tips and informational health articles.

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