Healthy eating has become so uncommon that anyone practicing it is considered ill. Having the knowledge of benefits of healthy indigenous food, including staple diet in our meals and good food habits is rare now a days.

In such times, seeking guidance from reliable experts & following the best diet plans to meet your body’s nutritive requirement is a real task. Nutrihub fitness provides you with a one-click solution. Here’s where you can get an easy access with our expert through our online nutrition program and avail the best diet plans for you and your loved ones.

We humans have many things in common as a species but every one of us is a unique ‘one’ with unique body compositions and requirements. This uniqueness reflects the variations that we have in terms of our genetic makeup, heredity, the environment we live, our food habits and many such factors. These factors not only differentiate us from each other but are also responsible for the diseases we are prone to and hence their correction will always be equally unique and individual specific.

At Nutrihub fitness, we aim a custom-made approach for each client. We design the most specific diet plans for you through our expert guided nutrition programs. Neha Shah is a highly experienced dietician and a qualified yoga trainer who has been working extensively all through her career to understand every ailment in detail and design corresponding nutrition programs to suit each one of her clients.

You would be provided with a nutrition plan tailor made to suit your requirements. This is achieved through a seamless process which will let us know what your body and mind needs in terms of nutrition and then we come up with best diet plans for you. Not only this, we will take you through a self-exploration journey where you would know your body and its needs much better than you did and in the process, you will also learn to respect them.

Disease is not an overnight event. It is an outcome of a long due discomfort the body has been in which eventually manifests with a set of symptoms.
At Nutrihub fitness, this process is first studied through detailed history to understand your health status, assess your body parameters and evaluate every detail to the core. The process is to get an overview of your daily routine, know your body, its needs and to access your physical and emotional environment which makes you what you are.

Based on this, you will be recommended with the essential blood, urine or other body fluid assessments and investigations. After a thorough analysis of the obtained data, you would have a personal counselling with our expert Neha Shah. Our sole aim at Nutrihub fitness is to address even the minutest of your queries to its best thus ensuring that we provide the best nutrition program for you and your loved ones.

We will sail with you throughout your journey towards health. Once you initiate your diet plan, we follow up to assess the progress and make the required modifications in the plan on a regular interval.

The entire process is designed not only to meet the needs of the body but maintain a healthy mind.

To make it easy, at Nutrihub fitness we have specialised categories of nutrition plans to meet your needs. Special packages focusing on systemic diseases like hormonal imbalance, gastric or digestive disorders, renal diseases and many more lifestyle disorders have being designed with extra care. Special phases of a woman’s life require special attention and these are best tailored in our pregnancy – lactation, pre bridal diet plans. Separate nutrition programs made for paediatric group emphasizing on their physical and mental growth. Incurable diseases like cancer have a huge impact on patients and we intend to provide our best diet plans to help them live a healthy and happy life.

Our 1 month/2 month program includes the following:

Detailed health history evaluation

Recommendation on the necessary blood work or urine work

Counselling and addressing the problems and queries

Regular follow-ups to assess the progress towards the goal

Modification of diet plans based on the progress




Kidney Health


Pre-bridal Health

Nutrition during
pregnancy and Lactation

for Kids