Constipation, often one of the most common issues faced by people of any age, no matter how young or old, is getting into the limelight a lot these days. Due to the current change in the working lifestyle of the teenagers and the imbalanced diet patterns in the adults, constipation is getting severe with each passing day. The core reason behind constipation is the lack of water or fiber-rich foods in your diet, which makes the stools harder to pass and thus cause bloating and constipation issues along with several other disorders such as abdominal pain, feeling of fullness, etc. Consumption of heavy meal and lack of exercise can also contribute to constipation. Hence it is required to maintain a healthy diet to avoid major complications in future.

Below are some of the easiest to adapt, diet tips to follow for a smoother bowel function:

  • Stay away from cold fruits and hard drinks. Rather, consume warm foods, warm drink and lots of well-cooked vegetables
  • Consume 2 Dates or Prunes with a glass of warm water before bedtime in order to increase peristalsis movement of the intestinal wall.
  • Try eating a fruit in between your meals such as Banana to relieve constipation. You can also add fruits like papaya, pears, apples, figs, etc.
  • Add more fiber in your diet through food sources such as Oats, Brown Rice, Vegetables that helps in regulation of bowel movements.
  • Stay hydrated by consuming enough water, approximately 3-4 litres per day to soften the stools and easy passage of them through the intestine.
  • Stay physically active by indulging into Yoga and Exercise to lead a stress-free life, thus preventing the issues of constipation at any age in your life.
  • Have a positive outlook towards life to have a low stress lifestyle.

Apart from these, leading a healthier diet routine with some easy-to-go workout routine can help much more in preventing constipation. </p

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