With the growing health concerns based on the current lifestyle that people are developing or being living, diseases like Diabetes is no small thing to be ignored or neglected. Be it Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, it is mandatory to follow a strict diet plan to manage your blood sugar levels.

When it comes to Type 1 Diabetes, also known as IDDM i.e. Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus, it is necessary to take control of your carb-consumption. It’s really important to focus on carb-counting which helps in stabilising the blood glucose levels. At certain points, you might also be required to lose weight, or gain or maintain a particular scale of weight, but whatever the option, it is wise of you to make healthier food choices and adapt certain habits in order to tackle this problem of Diabetes.

Intake of foods or portion sizes are one of the most important factors to be taken into consideration.

Below are some of the healthier tips you can incorporate in your daily routine:

  • Choose Healthier Carbohydrates – Since good or bad carbs both do have an impact on the blood sugar levels of the body, it is important to carefully choose the right carbs for your body. Consumption of fiber-rich foods like wholegrain Oats, Brown Rice, fruits, leafy green vegetables.
  • Fenugreek Seeds– Consume 2 tbsp of soaked Fenugreek Seeds on an empty stomach to improve the insulin sensitivity in the cells
  • Eat Less Salt – Over-intake of salt can cause an increase in the blood pressure, which further increases the chances of heart diseases and stroke. Being a diabetic, you’re more prone to these conditions. Hence, avoid high usage of Salt and instead you can swap salt for several healthy herbs and spices that can go along with your meals.
  • Choose Healthier Fats – It is important for our bodies to consume healthy fats in order to stay energised, active and focused. But different types of Fats have different effects on every individual. Consume foods rich in healthy monounsaturated fats such as nuts, seeds, avocados, etc.
  • Add Vitamins to your plate – Be it Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, consumption of foods rich in antioxidants are a must. Add vitamins in your diet, especially foods rich in Vitamin A, C and E to prevent the entry of free harmful radicals into the body which cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Have a balanced diet of vitamin-rich foods such as Almonds, Oranges, Kiwi fruits, Pumpkin and Sunflower Seeds, etc.

Have Moringa twice a week – Since ancient times, Moringa leaves are known to naturally manage the blood sugar levels of your body. It consists of antioxidants and bioactive compounds that can help in treating diabetes. It not only reduces the amount of sugar in the blood, but also glucose and protein in the urine, which helps in treating diabetes.

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