A food product often consumed the most during Winter seasons in the Indian culture, Jaggery is an age-old food substance which has never failed to gain importance even today. Jaggery is an unrefined sugar which is made from concentrated raw sugarcane juice. The sugarcane juice is boiled and heated to produce thick crystals. It consists of Sugar in the form of sucrose and is being used widely in many parts of the world as a sweetener. As compared to refined sugar, Jaggery is considered to be healthier because of the presence of several minerals and phytochemicals in jaggery.

It is also considered to be the most effective remedies for many medical problems, hence it has now become an integral part of one’s diet.

Mentioned below are some of the top best health benefits of Jaggery which benefits the overall health of the body, including hair, skin and even diabetes:

  • Purifies Blood – If consumed on a daily basis, jaggery is known to purify the blood and cleanse the body. It helps in boosting the haemoglobin levels and prevents blood disorders. Apart from this, it also helps in boosting the immunity.
  • Treats Anaemia – Jaggery contains a good amount of iron content in it, thus proving beneficial in treating anaemia. Along with iron, it is also a rich source of folate which is again helpful for the overall health of the body.
  • Fights Infections – It is rich in minerals such as selenium and zinc apart from antioxidants which help in preventing the entry of free harmful particles in the human body, thus fighting infections and keeping them at bay.
  • Enhances Skin – Jaggery comes with certain natural antibacterial properties which helps in nurturing the quality of your skin. The minerals and antioxidants present in these are also helpful in giving a shiny glow to your skin when consumed on a regular basis. It also contributes in preventing acne and scars developing on the skin.
  • Speeds up Metabolism – Being rich in minerals like potassium, jaggery helps in management of weight. It reduces the retention of extra water in the body. Potassium present in jaggery is responsible for maintaining the electrolyte balance thus improving and speeding up the metabolism.
  • Boosts Memory – Jaggery also consists of several compounds and antioxidants which helps in carrying out a strong functioning of the nervous system, thus sharpening the skills and strengthening one’s memory.

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