Dieting has become one of the most common, most approachable terms and a routine incorporated by every other individual. Dieting which often implies restricted limitations of certain foods and drinks in order to shape up your body. While following a strict diet pattern can sometimes be harmful for the physical or mental health, be it for overweight people or healthy individuals too. Also, fluctuations in one’s diet patterns has also been related to the increased risk of development of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc.

Dieting can be hazardous if not planned properly or under the guidance of a certified nutritionist. It can lead to lack of several nutrients and starvation by having several harmful effects on the body depicted below:

  1. Slower Metabolism – Metabolism is the total no. of calories required to energise your bodies in order to carry out several functions of the organs. If you eat more, your metabolism increases, but if you eat less, the metabolism levels are affected. In some of the diet plans, you are required to reduce your calorie intake, thus slowing your metabolism. Slower metabolism in the long run is quite unhealthy for your life ahead.
  2. Quicker weight gain after a diet – Diets which are followed randomly without any fixed plan or structure do not have a balanced combination of nutrients and calories, which causes unnecessary weight gain. While you are on a diet, your metabolism slows down. But when you again get back to your older eating habits which contain more calories and fats, you end up gaining pounds of weight. This is the major reason why people who go on a strict weight, if they lose the track in between, they experience sudden weight gain.
  3. Lack of vitamins and minerals – Not all the junk food or certain food groups are devoid of any healthy nutrients. When you follow a strict diet plan, there are restrictions of not consuming specific foods and food groups, which often contain a good amount of vitamins and minerals. These vitamins and minerals are required by the body and can be acquired only through these food items, if consumed in a controlled and guided manner. They are responsible for maintaining the immune and hormonal system of the body. So if there is by any chance, a deficiency in these vitamins and minerals, it can either weaken your immune system or cause imbalances in the body.

So, it’s imperative to plan your diet properly and not to follow it blindly. Get some expert advice on your diet and align it to the goal you want to achieve through it be it weight loss, muscle gain, resloving the health complaints etc.

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