What type of snacker are you?

Do you need gluten-free snacks, or are you just looking for healthy snack ideas packed with protein and not too much sugar?

Whether you’re a purist who only eats whole foods, a foodie looking for new ideas, or a busy on-the-go professional, there’s a healthy snack on this list for everyone.

And you can filter through the list of healthy & filling snacks to find the best ones for you.

  • Nuts – Nuts like Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans are highly rich in Vitamin E and essesntial fats, which can be beneficial in benefitting the overall health of the body.
  • Dark Chocolate – If you’re trying to lose weight, a small piece of Dark Chocolate can be really satisfying while meeting your cravings. It is packed with energy-boosting nutrients like Magnesium and Iron.
  • Dates – High in Fiber and Antioxidants, dates are one of the healthiest additions to your snack box. It is an energising yet satisfying snack for your mid meal hunger.
  • Avocados – Avocados are highly rich in plant-based fats and protein, both of which are essential in improving your metabolism and avoid binge-eating on non-healthy junk food items.
  • Fresh Veggies – The fiber content present in Fresh Veggies is responsible for smoothening the bowel movements, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, thus keeping you safe from the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Hummus – Hummus is usually prepared from Chickpeas, one which is healthy in fiber and healthy fats, thus helping in stabilising your weight and blood sugar levels.
  • Roasted Beans – When it comes to protein powerhouse, beans are one of the most delicious snack options you can prefer since it is loaded with protein along with fiber, thus helping in fighting your cravings.
  • Whole Grain Crackers – Whole Grains are loaded with both soluble and insoluble fiber, which provides satiety and a feeling of fullness with just a small serving. Try having crispy crackers along with hummus to make a perfect guilt-free snack for your evening tea break.
  • Nut Butters – Nut butters have recently started gaining popularity in the Indian culture, all thanks to the protein content in it. Be it peanut butter or almond butter, incorporate nut butters in your snacks for an energetic boost to your daily lifestyle.
  • Oatmeal – Oatmeal is made from the key elements Oats, which is extremely rich in Fiber and Protein. It is digested at a slower rate which helps in stabilising blood sugar levels.
  • Chia Seeds – For a well rounded snack, add Chia Seeds to your daily smoothies or salads. Chia Seeds are power packed with heart healthy omega-3 fats which helps reduce inflammatory diseases and boosts brain health.
  • Trail Mix – Trail Mix comprises a healthy, fulfilling combination of nuts, seeds and berries, all of which are packed with nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. All these are essential in maintaining the overall health of the body while satisfying your crunchy snack cravings.
  • Chickpeas – Chickpeas are a good source of fiber and protein. Roast it to perfection with some spices, add on some veggies and make a healthy chaat for your evening snack needs.

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