Mangoes! Hardly 2 out of 10 people might not be completely liking Mangoes, but we all definitely know how this golden, sweet fruit is being loved by all, right from kids to adults to the oldies. Known as the “king of fruits” this delicious fruit has often got quite a bad reputation in the Indian culture. We all know how Indian summers are totally incomplete without savouring at least a couple of mangoes in a span of 3-4 months.

It is quite common that many people consider Mangoes as fattening. But when you cross-verify the facts and myths, you will be able to break the false truths and start loving this nutritious fruit filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants!

Below are some of the popular myths and facts you should know, before you really start complaining the so-called bad side of the “king of fruits:”

Myth: Mangoes are full of calories

Fact: All the foods items apart from water have calories. Mangoes after all are a good source of fiber, lycopene and iron.

Myth: Mangoes can’t be consumed by diabetic patients

Fact: Mangoes are full of fiber and have low glycemic index and thus do not increase blood sugar. The sugars present in them are not unhealthy sugars which can be harmful for diabetics. Hence there’s really not a big deal if diabetic patients consume 1 mango a day, while burning the calories by physical exercise to balance out!

Myth: Eating Mangoes leads to acne and boils.

Fact: Mango is a summer fruit and nature does its work beautifully. Mangoes do not increase the body heat when consumed in appropriate portions. Infact mangoes help improve the skin health as it is rich in iron and lycopene, thus proving it beneficial for skin care.

Myth: Mangoes are heat generating food

Fact: Eating anything generates heat in your body since your metabolic system is busy digesting food and turning it into energy. Mangoes are summer fruit and do not produce heat in the body if eaten mindfully. Soaking of ripe mangoes in water is important to leach out the phytic acid which causes heat production and also increases its cooling effects. Raw mangoes are excellent for making summer drinks to replace the lost electrolytes in the body lost due to dehydration.

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