Lose 5 pounds in one week!

It’s a myth that we consider losing 5 pounds in just one week. While it may seem possible for some, it all depends on how diligently you follow your diet, including maintaining your metabolism and physical exercise regime.

Weight loss is nothing but calories that you gained, how do you burn them in a healthy way. The number of calories burned should be more than the food you consume, that’s how you’ll lose weight.

Below listed are some of the tips you need to take into consideration while planning for an effective weight loss diet:

  • Eat more vegetables, all the time – To stay healthy and energised while having to lose weight quickly, it is recommended to eat at least 50% veggies per meal in a day.
  • Prefer a better breakfast – While each and every meal is important, one that is crucial and the most important meal is the breakfast because that’s what gets you started for the day. A sumptuous, wholesome breakfast fills you up, satiates and prevents binge-eating throughout the day. It is advised to aim for at least 400-500 calories in your breakfast, more of which consists of a high protein diet to keep you active.
  • Drink more Coffee – The antioxidant and other plant compounds present in coffee are responsible for burning of calories, thus contributing to weight loss. Hence, one looking for a quick weight loss should increase the caffeine content as per his diet pattern.
  • STOP Sugar & Sugary beverages – No matter how much you age, cravings for sugar just doesn’t stop. But if you are really looking for a weight loss result to show, it is advisable to stop the consumption of sugar beverages and completely cut down on Sugar for a while.
  • Sleep earlier – When you sleep less than 7 hours, the metabolism rate eventually drops down. The more you tend to be awake, the more you end up binge-eating in the middle of the night, thus causing weight gain.
  • Walk more – Physical exercise is the key in maintaining the overall health of the body. While you can exercise anytime of the day, if you’re looking for weight loss, it is recommended to exercise in the evening since the body’s metabolism slows down by the end of the day.
  • Eat more Spicy foods – Spicy foods are actually considered to help you cut back on calories. It consists of capsaicin, an antioxidant which increases the release of hormones such as adrenaline, thus speeding up to burn calories. Hot spicy foods also help you in eating slowly and avoids overeating, thus contributing to weight loss.

Getting a personalised diet chart from a qualified dietitian is recommended as they would consider all the health issues and tailor the diet plan accordingly so as to avoid any further health problems.

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